Director/ Cinematographer/ Editor

Jammu & Kashmir Tourism

In February 2018, the J&K Tourism Department organized an Art & Music Festival in Pahalgam. As part of the promotion of the festival, I was commissioned to make these short films for the website and social media platforms of J&K Tourism.


Come and witness these little joys of life at the Pahalgam Winter Festival

Reinzpal Village Walk


To capture the Pahalgam Winter Festival, 2018, I put together a team of 20 cinematographers, photographers, and technicians from Kashmir who filmed the events that unfolded over three days, spread over more than 7 different locations across the Pahalgam valley.

This project helped me form enduring friendships and professional relationships with young, creative people in Kashmir, and many projects materialized in the following years with artists who I met during this festival.

Video overview of the Pahalgam Winter Festival, 2018.

Making films on the go

I went on to make other films for the J&K Tourism department in the months following the festival.

This film prompted me to journey to Kashmir's interiors, away from the city and into areas where stories of human rights abuse are frequent and people have few opportunities to express their concerns or hope for security and justice.

Spring in Kashmir

Rain in Lolab valley

This hike to the Kalarus Tunnel in the mountains separating India and Pakistan was another step in my quest to learn more about the Kashmir dispute.

People I met while producing this film changed my perspective on Kashmir and made me aware of the long-hidden atrocities perpetrated by the armed occupation of border communities.

This experience inspired me to go beyond travel photography and pursue documentary filmmaking.